Author: HFWCNY Dev Admin

Gathering Around with InterFaith Works

 Human Centered Design prioritizes talking to and collaborating with the people who are most likely to be affected by a new program or service improvement. Aging By Design project teams…

Co-Design at Academy Place & Community Place

Human Centered Design prioritizes talking to and collaborating with the people who are most likely to be affected by a new program or service improvement. Aging By Design project teams…

Street Team Training: Preparing to listen

Human Centered Design prioritizes talking to and collaborating with the people who are most likely to be affected by a new program or service improvement. Review this post for more…

Postcards and Empathy Maps Across WNY and CNY

  Human Centered Design prioritizes talking to and collaborating with the people who are most likely to be affected by a new program or service improvement. Review this post for…

Journaling Webinar Wrap-up

Why should we use journals as research tools? Journals are great research tools as they give us a window into peoples lives. By prompting individuals to reflect on their day-to-day…

Webinar: Identifying Needs & Insights

Click here to register Needs & Insights Webinar Thursday, November 10, 2 – 3 pm Webinar ID: 509-780-419 We hope you’ve all been busy having incredible conversations with the people you serve…

Needs and Insights Webinar Wrap-up

What are need statements and why are they valuable? A need statement is a short and often simple sentence describing what the end-user of a service has identified as a…

Design Days: A Facilitator’s Reflection

Facilitating Design Days was an absolute blast! We connected with some amazing participants who truly wanted to learn new ways to engage with vulnerable older adults and caregivers. I could…