Category: Maternal Health

Doula and birthing parent

Annual Report: Changing the statewide conversation about doulas

This story was first published in our 2023 annual report, Reframing the Big Picture. Data show us that doulas can contribute to better maternal health outcomes, including fewer premature births…

Health Foundation Awards Over $900,000 in Funding for the First Quarter of 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, the Health Foundation for Western & Central New York invested in the following partnerships and programs to advance racial and socioeconomic health equity in…

Investing in Rural Maternal Health

Health Foundation Invests in Rural Maternal Health Care Through New Approach to OB/GYN Staffing at Universal Primary Care

(BUFFALO, NY) The Health Foundation for Western & Central New York has awarded a grant of $100,000 to Universal Primary Care, a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) in Cattaraugus County,…

Better Maternal and Birth Outcomes: Why the Health Foundation Is Investing in Doulas

Key Takeaways The U.S. ranks no. 1 in the developed world for maternal mortality rates. It also has high infant mortality rates. Factors related to race, culture, and geography can…

Thriving Not Just Surviving

From Surviving to Thriving—Together: Trauma-informed program in Onondaga County helps parents and kids grow

This story originally appeared in our 2022 annual report. Since 2015, the Early Childhood Alliance of Onondaga County has been working toward a vision of all children in Onondaga County…

Pregnant woman smiling and holding belly

Community Birth Doulas Can Save Lives and Improve Maternal Health Outcomes

An edited version of this piece was originally published in The Buffalo News on April 12, 2023 By Darcy Dreyer, Director, Maternal Infant Health, March of Dimes NY/NJ and Nora…

Bringing More Doulas — And Better Birth Experiences — To Central New York

At the Health Foundation, we truly enjoy highlighting our grantee partners and the amazing work that they do. Here is a spotlight from our 2021 annual report: Connections. All people…

Older adult and doctor

The Health Foundation Awards Over $1 Million in Grants in the Last Quarter of 2021

Funded projects include elder mistreatment prevention; an intercounty doula partnership program; and the continued establishment of statewide age-friendly health systems. In the last quarter of 2021, the Health Foundation for…

A Closer Look At Our Strategic Plan: All Mothers Are Served by Trusted, Unbiased, High-Quality Infant and Maternal Health Care

In October 2020, the Health Foundation for Western and Central New York announced a new vision statement and strategic plan that will guide the work of the Health Foundation through…