Improving Services for Pregnant Women and Children 0-1 in Central New York State: Profiling High Risk Communities


In a follow-up to the environmental scan done by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago to identify needs, existing gaps and strengths in the maternal child health system in central New York, we drilled even deeper into the issues affecting birth outcomes in the region.

Building on the county-level statistical review conducted as part of the environmental scan, Chapin Hall staff used U.S. Census Bureau data to examine demographic profiles and key maternal and child health outcomes at the zip code level for our eight-county target area.

Using this information, we selected priority geographic areas, or “hot spots” with high poverty rates that have a high risk of poor maternal and child health outcomes in which to concentrate our efforts.

Focus Area: Young Children Impacted by Poverty

Category: Evaluation, Infographic, Report, Toolkit

Date Published: April 1, 2010