Aging by Design: Initial Insights


With the help of enthusiastic organizations across the state, we have collected hundreds of glimpses into the lives of older adults and caregivers throughout Western and Central New York as part of our Aging by Design program.

This initial data was collected in the format of empathy maps and postcards. Through the analysis of 141 postcards and 91 empathy maps, more than 600 unique needs statements have been generated—short and often simple sentences describing what the end-user of a service has identified as a requirement. Need statements are expressed explicitly and implicitly, and can range from very tactical to complex, emotional needs.

As we analyze the data, similar needs from separate sources begin to group together and form themes. Each theme points towards an issue that caregivers and older adults are facing. At present, these themes are very preliminary—this document is a quick capture of the themes that have emerged from our initial analysis.

Aging By Design’s engagement work has only just begun. Other activities in 2017 will include journaling, street teams, stakeholder labs and ethnographic research. As we continue to learn directly from older adults and caregivers, we will build on the needs uncovered so far and gain an entirely new level of insight into their experience.


Focus Area: Older Adults

Category: Evaluation, Infographic, Report, Toolkit

Date Published: January 7, 2017