Since its inception, the Health Foundation for Western and Central New York has served as an advocate for continuous improvement in health and health care by investing in the people and organizations that serve young children and older adults in the 16 counties in western and central New York. In 2013, the Foundation developed a strategy to maximize its impact and created a five year plan; the attached Impact Profiles demonstrate the Foundation’s commitment to that strategic plan and highlights some of our key work from 2014-2019.
The Foundation has always recognized achieving meaningful, sustained change requires work beyond awarding grants. To this end, we work with our community partners to better plan for, and address the needs of, the most vulnerable and underserved populations in our regions.
These Impact Profiles reflect some of our major investments over the past five years; however, these programs and projects reflect only a small portion of our work in each of our three focus areas: (1) improving the health and health care of children birth to age five who are impacted by poverty; (2) improving the health and health care of vulnerable older adults; and (3) ensuring that communities across the region have the capacity to effectively address health needs.
We are proud of what we have accomplished with our community partners, and recognize how much work remains to be done. We hope you are as inspired and energized by these stories as we are, and we look forward to continuing to work collaboratively to improve the health of our community as a whole.