WEBINAR: A Master Plan for Aging – Should New York Be Next?

By 2030, approximately one out of four New Yorkers will be 60 or older, and there are many opportunities on the horizon to build on existing age-friendly efforts and improve how we meet the needs of older adults in our state.

Is New York poised to join states like California, Texas, Colorado, and Massachusetts in launching a comprehensive, cross-sector Master Plan for Aging?

Join us for a webinar and Q&A with experts in aging policy, including those who played key roles in the development of California’s Master Plan for Aging. This is your chance to learn more about how a Master Plan for Aging in New York could improve the lives of older adults, strengthen long-term care, provide better support for family caregivers, and help build healthier communities for all.


Bob Blancato
National Coordinator, Elder Justice Coalition


Susan DeMarois
Director, California Department of Aging

Carrie Graham
Director of Long-Term Services and Supports, Center for Health Care Strategies

Sarah Steenhausen
Director of Policy and Advocacy, The SCAN Foundation

Register here or learn more at hfwcny.org/MPA.

Send your questions for the Q&A to info@hfwcny.org.