Health Foundation Awards More than $680,000 in New Grants During the Fourth Quarter of 2024

For the final quarter of 2024, the Health Foundation for Western & Central New York invested in a range of partnerships and programs to advance racial and socioeconomic health equity in western and central New York, including the following:

Accelerate Community Transportation (ACT) ($523,214)

Funding will support the launch of the Health Foundation’s Accelerate Community Transportation (ACT) program, a new effort to address health disparities by increasing transportation access in western and central New York. Ten organizations looking to develop or enhance an existing volunteer community transportation program will join this two-year initiative, led by ITNAmerica, a national expert and nonprofit network of transportation providers. Organizations will receive support for funding, participate in a bi-regional learning cohort, and receive technical assistance and support from ITN to build sustainable programs, leading to increased rides and access to health care and services in their communities.

Elderberries Program Expansion ($112,425)

Funding will support Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) to expand the Elderberries program in western New York. Originally piloted in Orleans County through the Health Foundation’s Rural Health Microgrant opportunity, Elderberries was developed to address social isolation by connecting older adults in rural communities around cooking activities and to help them build skills they can use at home. CCE will coordinate the launch of this program in western New York through county offices. CCE will also work with local Offices for the Aging and other aging services partners to recruit older adults and connect them to community services.

Small Grants ($50,000 and under)

Family Engagement in Healthcare ($14,995)

Quality Improvement Dental Clinic ($36,000)